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??t?? ?? ???? a?a??t?s?? ????? ?p???aµµ?ste?:  centronics  lpt 
??t?? ?? ???? ?p?????? µ??? se s??d?sµ??? p??? a?t?? t?? ?st?se??da: pinout

PINOUTS Parallel commmunication

[ PC's LPT-ports | Centronics | Printercable | Nullmodem-cable ]
[ Pinouts | Homepage ]


  13      25 pins          1
 \ o o o o o o o o o o o o o /
  \ o o o o o o o o o o o o /
   25      female         14
LPT1 - PC Printer Port
  18   36 pins      1
 \ \ '''''''''''''''''' / /
 /  \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/  \
  36     female     19
Centronics - Printer
01. OUT - Strobe (/STROBE)
02. I/O - Data bit 0 (D0)
03. I/O - Data bit 1 (D1)
04. I/O - Data bit 2 (D2)
05. I/O - Data bit 3 (D3)
06. I/O - Data bit 4 (D4)
07. I/O - Data bit 5 (D5)
08. I/O - Data bit 6 (D6)
09. I/O - Data bit 7 (D7)
10. IN - Acknowledge (/ACK)
11. IN - Busy (BUSY)
12. IN - Paper Out (POUT)
13. IN - Select (SEL)
14. IN - Autofeed (/AUTOFEED)
15. IN - Fault (Low when offline) (/GNDRESET)
16. OUT - RESET (initialise) (/RESET)
17. OUT - Select In (/SLCT IN)
18. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
19. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
20. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
21. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
22. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
23. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
24. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
25. --- - Signal Ground (GND)
01. IN - Strobe (/STROBE)
02. I/O - Data bit 0 (D0)
03. I/O - Data bit 1 (D1)
04. I/O - Data bit 2 (D2)
05. I/O - Data bit 3 (D3)
06. I/O - Data bit 4 (D4)
07. I/O - Data bit 5 (D5)
08. I/O - Data bit 6 (D6)
09. I/O - Data bit 7 (D7)
10. OUT - Acknowledge (/ACK)
11. OUT - Busy (BUSY)
12. OUT - Paper Out (POUT)
13. OUT - Select (SEL)
14. IN - Autofeed (/AUTOFEED)
15. nc
16. --- - Logic Ground (0V)
17. --- - Shield Ground (CHASSIS GND)
18. OUT - +5VDC (50mA max) (+5V PULLUP)
19. --- - Signal (Strobe) Ground (GND)
20. --- - Signal (D0) Ground (GND)
21. --- - Signal (D1) Ground (GND)
22. --- - Signal (D2) Ground (GND)
23. --- - Signal (D3) Ground (GND)
24. --- - Signal (D4) Ground (GND)
25. --- - Signal (D5) Ground (GND)
26. --- - Signal (D6) Ground (GND)
27. --- - Signal (D7) Ground (GND)
28. --- - Signal (Acknowledge) Ground
29. --- - Signal (Busy) Ground
30. --- - Reset Ground (/GNDRESET)
31. IN - Reset (/RESET)
32. OUT - Fault (Low when offline) (/GNDRESET)
33. --- - Signal Ground (0V)
34. nc
35. OUT - +5VDC (+5V)
36. IN - Select In (Taking low or high sets
printer on line or off line respectively) (/SLCT IN)


   1        25 pins        13
 \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
  \ . . . . . . . . . . . . /
   14        male         25
25-DB - To PC
   1     36 pins    18
 \ \ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, / /
 /  \''''''''''''''''''/  \
  19     female     36
Centronics - To Printer
Strobe ------ 1 ==> 1
Data bit 0 ------ 2 <==> 2
Data bit 1 ------ 3 <==> 3
Data bit 2 ------ 4 <==> 4
Data bit 3 ------ 5 <==> 5
Data bit 4 ------ 6 <==> 6
Data bit 5 ------ 7 <==> 7
Data bit 6 ------ 8 <==> 8
Data bit 7 ------ 9 <==> 9
Acknowledge ------ 10 <== 10
Busy ------ 11 <== 11
Paper Out ------ 12 <== 12
Select ------ 13 <== 13
Autofeed ------ 14 <== 14
Fault ------ 15 <== 32
Reset ------ 16 ==> 31
Select In ------ 17 ==> 36
GND ------ 18-25 == 19-30
Centronics not used: 16,17,33 ; 18,35
Centronics not connected: 15,34


BOTH end of the cable are MALE ! numbering !
SO Both LPT ports must be female
25-DB to 25-DB
D0 2 <==> 15 /RESET
D1 3 <==> 13 SEL
D2 4 <==> 12 POUT
D3 5 <==> 10 /ACK
D4 6 <==> 11 BUSY
/RESET 15 <==> 2 D0
SEL 13 <==> 3 D1
POUT 12 <==> 4 D2
/ACK 10 <==> 5 D3
BUSY 11 <==> 6 D4
GND 25 <==> 25 GND