AVR Starter Kit MCU00100 Upgrade Kit Version 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- This kit contains all you need to upgrade your MCU00100 Starter Kit or AT90S1200DEV version B Development Board. The kit make the board capable of programming more devices, and fixes a bug in AT89S8252 EEPROM programming ************************* * Target boards: * ************************* This kit should be used to upgrade MCU00100 Starter Kits and AVR Development Board AT90S1200DEV Revision B ONLY! ******************************************************* * WARNING TO AT90S1200DEV Development Board Owners * ******************************************************* THIS KIT SUPPORTS HARDWARE REVISION B ONLY! THIS UPGRADE KIT MUST NEVER BE USED TO UPGRADE OLD DEVELOPMENT BOARDS WITH HARDWARE REVISION A. OLDER BOARDS HAVE MAJOR HARDWARE DIFFERENCES. IF YOU TRY TO UPGRADE REV. A BOARDS, THE BOARD WILL NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY. Identifying board revision: Most development boards have a hardware revision code written on them. The following codes exist: A9602.3.1000.A <- Rev A. OLD board, DO NOT UPGRADE! A96021000b <- Rev B, OK to upgrade If you can't find the revision code on your board, you can look at the eight LEDs and eight bush-buttons. If these are on the same edge, you have a new Rev. B board. If the LEDs and buttons are on opposite edges, the board you have is the old Rev. A board. Note on Rev. A boards: These boards are no longer supported by Atmel. If you are not happy with the current operation of your Rev. A board, you should obtain a new board. ***************************** * Supported Devices: * ***************************** Version 7.5: AT90S1200 rev. D/E/F AT90S1200 rev. C Lock Bits Programming not supported AT90S2313 rev. A AT90S2323 rev. A AT90S4414 rev. B AT90S8515 rev. A/B AT89S8252 rev. ? Read manual to alter target RESET level ***************************** * Change log: * ***************************** Version 7.5: New Devices: Comments: AT90S1200 rev. E/F AT90S2313 rev. A AT90S2323 rev. A AT90S4414 rev. B AT90S8515 rev. B Features: Fixed a bug that could cause AT89S8252 EEPROM Write operations to lock up in an infinite loop. Version 7.1: New Devices: AT90S8515 rev. A Features: Fixed a bug that caused 8515 Enter Programming Mode to fail on devices where the current software used SPI or Sleep Mode. ************************* * Kit Contents: * ************************* Hardware: No hardware changes are required for upgrading boards. Software: guide.txt This text file avrdev.hex New software for the AT89C2051 (Intel Hex) Not included but required: aprogwin.exe AvrProg Version 1.25 (Self Extracting installation files for Win95/WinNT/MS-DOS) Can be downloaded from our web site at: http://www.atmel.com ************************* * Upgrade instructions: * ************************* Upgrading the existing development board requires no hardware changes. The required steps to complete the upgrade are the following: - Install AvrProg 1.25 on the PC where the board is connected. - Reprogram the 20-pin AT89C2051 Interface Microcontroller (MCU) with the file 'avrdev.hex', using a parallel programmer. ********************************************* * AT89C2051 Upgrade, Step by Step Guide: * ********************************************* 1. Verify that you have a parallel programmer capable of programming an AT89C2051 Flash Microcontroller (MCU) from Atmel. Make sure the programmer have a socket or adapter kit to program 20-pin DIP packets. 2. Disconnect all cables from the development board. This includes both Power Cable and the serial PC communication cable. It also includes all other connections between the development board and other equipment. 3. Identify the AT89C2051 Interface Microcontroller (MCU). The MCU is a 20-pin device, placed in a socket located close to board center. IF YOU CAN'T LOCATE THE MCU, YOU SHOULD NOT CONTINUE THE UPGRADE WITHOUT ASSISTANCE FROM QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. 4. Make a note of how the MCU is oriented in its socket. Also make a note of the location of the MCU socket. You will need this information when completing step 10. The chip will be PERMANENTLY DAMAGED if replaced incorrectly! MCU orientation and socket location:......................... ............................................................. 5. Carefully remove the AT89C2051 MCU from its socket on the development board. Use a small screwdriver or similar tool, carefully lifting the controller from its socket without bending any leads. Place the MCU in the parallel programmer. 6. Read the current contents of the MCU, and create a backup file. 7. Erase the Flash memory of the MCU. 8. Program the file 'avrdev.hex' into the Flash Program Memory of the MCU. 9. Verify the new contents have been correctly written into the MCU Flash memory. 10. Carefully place the MCU in its socket on the development board. Observe the rotation of the chip. The chip should be replaced in the correct socket exactly like it was originally orientated. Replacing the MCU without observing orientation will permanently damage the device. This completes the upgrade operation. It is now safe to power the board and connect the serial communication cable. The upgraded development board will function properly with AVR Prog version 1.25 or newer.