======================== Read Me File for EWA90-A ======================== Updated: 11/February/2000 [IPEO] Release of EWA90-A V1.50B File version: $Revision: 1.2 $ Manual part no: EWA90-1 ======== Contents ======== 1. Important information 2. Manual corrections and updates 3. Known problems in current version 4. Program corrections and updates 5. Files supplied in this release ======================== 1. Important information ======================== To encapsulate the demands on a modern Graphical User Interface, the IAR Embedded Workbench runs only under the following operating systems; Windows 95/98 and NT 4.x. Additional documentation: ------------------------- Apart from the manuals, supplementary information was installed in the different component subdirectories during installation. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you read these files as they contain information that did not make it into the manuals. The file "deislxxx.isu": ------------------------ After installing the IAR Embedded Workbench, you will notice a file named "deislxxx.isu" located in your target installation directory (xxx is a number). This file contains uninstallation information to enable you to automatically uninstall the Workbench by opening the control panel "Add/Remove programs". Although deleting this file does not affect the operation of the Workbench, it does mean that you can not automatically uninstall it. Misc. error dialogs during building: ------------------------------------ If you repeatedly get error dialogs giving generic error messages like "Error running tool" when building a particular file, the likely cause is a problem in the tool, not in the workbench itself. Most probably the tool runs into problems dealing with a particular construct in the input file. There are two different ways of finding the cause of the problem: 1) If you have a command-line version of the tool available, run it with the same options and note if it produces any error messages. (The options used when running a tool in the EW can be seen in the message window if message filtering is set to "all".) 2) Try to comment out part of the input and see if that makes any difference. The cause of the problem may be erroneus input (which arguably should be reported properly from the tool) or it may be a program error. External editor configuration: ------------------------------ As different DDE capable editors use different commands, it is necessary to consult the user documentation supplied with your editor to find the correct command syntax. Here are some example configurations for particular editors: EasyCase Editor: C:\EASY\Easy-cpp.exe Service: easy-cpp Command: system [line($CUR_LINE$)] [load("$FILE_PATH$")] Codewright Editor: c:\cw32\cw32.exe Service: Codewright Command: System BufEditFile $FILE_PATH$ $FILE_PATH$ MovToLine $CUR_LINE$ Note that there seems to be a problem with Codewright that can cause the selected buffer to be activated in the background, but when bringing Codewright to the foreground, it may revert to the previously selected buffer. To work around that problem, use this command configuration instead: System OutputWindow=1 System BufEditFile $FILE_PATH$ $FILE_PATH$ MovToLine $CUR_LINE$ The first command is equivalent to clicking on a tab in the Codewright Output Window, bringing it to the foreground before the other commands are issued. Avoiding absolute paths in project options: ------------------------------------------- In EW 2.31A and later, it is possible to use argument variables in project options. This makes it possible to make projects more portable between different environments by avoiding unnecessary absolute paths. The most obvious use for this is to make include options and xcl-file options compiler and/or project relative. Example: Setting an include option to "$TOOLKIT_DIR$\inc\" would make the build tool look for include files in the "inc" subdirectory of the active product (i.e. standard system includes). Setting an include option to "$PROJ_DIR$\inc\" would make the build tool look for include files in the "inc" subdirectory of the current project directory. The following argument variables can be used: Variable Description $CUR_DIR$ Current directory $CUR_LINE$ Current line $EW_DIR$ Directory of the IAR Embedded Workbench, for example c:\iar\ew23 $EXE_DIR$ Directory for executable output $FILE_DIR$ Directory of active file, no file name $FILE_FNAME$ File name of active file without path $FILE_PATH$ Full path of active file (in Editor, Project, or Message window) $LIST_DIR$ Directory for list output $OBJ_DIR$ Directory for object output $PROJ_DIR$ Project directory $PROJ_FNAME$ Project file name without path $PROJ_PATH$ Full path of project file $TARGET_DIR$ Directory of primary output file $TARGET_FNAME$ Filename without path of primary output file $TARGET_PATH$ Full path of primary output file $TOOLKIT_DIR$ Directory of the active product, for example c:\iar\ew23\a90 ================================= 2. Manual corrections and updates ================================= Additional documentation: ------------------------- EWA90 V1.50B 4/February/00 * The XLINK options control panels have been updated to reflect new XLINK features. The section "Warnings/Errors" on the "Diagnostics" page contains three new fields: "Suppress these diagnostics", "Treat these as warnings" and "Treat these as errors". In these fields you can give a comma or space separated list of diagnostics that you want to reclassify. (This is the "-w" command line option.) Example: "Suppress these diagnostics" w26, e106 The "Output" page contains a new drop-down list "Module-local symbols" that allow you to specify inclusion of module-local symbols. (This is the "-n" command line option.) For further information about XLINK option, refer to the file "xman.txt" EWA90 1.02A (Beta) 23/Sep/96 * p49 'Options': There is an additional button "Factory Settings" appearing over the property pages. Pressing it reverts all options for the selected item and category to the original, default setting (release or debug). * The manual mentions some *.doc files, but most of these have been renamed *.txt * Two comments regarding the assembler tutorial (using 'first.s90') in the Embedded Workbench: - The example does not work unless you select an appropriate linker file (\iar\a90\tutor\first.xcl). The default gives segment overlap. - The example sets up -v1 -ms. Still, in the example, JMP is used instead of RJMP in the eternal loop. ==================================== 3. Known problems in current version ==================================== * none. ================================== 4. Program corrections and updates ================================== V1.50B 11/February/00 See aa90.txt for fixes in the assembler. See xlink.txt for fixes in the linker. Initial release. ================================= 6. Files supplied in this release ================================= The installation program will install the following files and directories: Under \: EWA90-A.txt This file ew23.exe The Workbench application xlib.exe XLIB librarian xlink.dll XLINK linker ctl3d32.dll mfc42.dll msvcp50.dll msvcrt.dll \A90\bin\Ewa90.hlp EWA90 help file \A90\bin\aA90.dll AA90 Assembler plug-in \A90\bin\aA90.exe AA90 Assembler (Not in Base-line version) \A90\bin\xlink.exe XLINK linker (Not in Base-line version) \A90\bin\wtdA90-A.dll A90 Assembler only component plug-in \A90\aa90\ Assembler support file and supplementary info \A90\config\ Configuration files \A90\etc\ Misc support files and supplementary info \A90\inc\ Assembler include files \A90\tutor\ Tutorial and example files for assembler ================== End of readme file ==================