The Starter Kit has the Following Features
- AVR Studio ® Compatible
- RS232 Interface to PC for Programming and Control
- Regulated Power Supply for 10-15V DC Power
- Sockets for 8-pin, 20-pin, 28-pin, and 40-pin AVR Devices
- Parallel and Serial High-Voltage Programming of AVR parts
- Serial In-System Programming (ISP) of AVR Parts
- In-System Programmer for Programming AVR Parts in External Target System
- Reprogramming of AVR Parts
- 8 Push-buttons for General Use
- 8 LEDS for General Use
- All AVR I/O Ports Easily Accessible Through Pin Header Connectors
- Additional RS232 Port for General Use
- Expansion Connectors for Plug-In Modules and Prototyping Area
- On-board 2Mbit Dataflash for Non-Volatile Data Storage
STK500 is supported by AVR Studio version 3.2 or newer. For up to date information
on this and other AVR tool products please read the document "avrtools.pdf".
Newest version of AVR Studio, "avrtools.pdf", and this user guide can be found
in the AVR section of the Atmel web site.

See Also