########################################### # Syntax Coloring Map For hd44780 # note: # the alignment in the file looks like crap # because the IDE doesn't parse white space # correctly so a single tab must be used on # keyword lines # old IDEs only support a single tab # new IDES support mutiple tabs # as of 1.6.9 no IDE supports using space # or multiple spaces. # This is mess because of the obstinance of # the Arduino team developers refusing to # change a single line of code in the IDE # to use whitespace which is space(s)/tab(s) # rather than explicitly requiring a single # tab as a seperator ########################################### ########################################### # Datatypes (KEYWORD1) ########################################### hd44780 KEYWORD1 hd44780_I2Cexp KEYWORD1 hd44780_I2Clcd KEYWORD1 hd44780_NTCU165ECPB KEYWORD1 hd44780_NTCUUserial KEYWORD1 hd44780_pinIO KEYWORD1 iotype KEYWORD1 ########################################### # Methods and Functions (KEYWORD2) ########################################### # LiquidCrystal API begin KEYWORD2 clear KEYWORD2 home KEYWORD2 setCursor KEYWORD2 write KEYWORD2 print KEYWORD2 println KEYWORD2 cursor KEYWORD2 noCursor KEYWORD2 blink KEYWORD2 noBlink KEYWORD2 display KEYWORD2 noDisplay KEYWORD2 scrollDisplayLeft KEYWORD2 scrollDisplayRight KEYWORD2 autoscroll KEYWORD2 noAutoscroll KEYWORD2 leftToRight KEYWORD2 rightToLeft KEYWORD2 createChar KEYWORD2 moveCursorLeft KEYWORD2 moveCursorRight KEYWORD2 setRowOffsets KEYWORD2 command KEYWORD2 # mandatory LCD 1.0 API functions init KEYWORD2 # optional LCD 1.0 API functions setBacklight KEYWORD2 setContrast KEYWORD2 on KEYWORD2 off KEYWORD2 status KEYWORD2 # deprecacted LCD 1.0 API functions blink_on KEYWORD2 blink_off KEYWORD2 cursor_on KEYWORD2 cursor_off KEYWORD2 load_custom_char KEYWORD2 setDelay KEYWORD2 # hd44780 extensions _write KEYWORD2 backlight KEYWORD2 noBacklight KEYWORD2 lineWrap KEYWORD2 noLineWrap KEYWORD2 read KEYWORD2 setExecTimes KEYWORD2 blinkLED KEYWORD2 fatalError KEYWORD2 # hd44780 internal i/o class virtual functions ioinit KEYWORD2 ioread KEYWORD2 iowrite KEYWORD2 iosetBacklight KEYWORD2 iosetContrast KEYWORD2 ########################################### # Constants (LITERAL1) ###########################################