Group 000, General Engine Data, (no normalization)

Groups 001 - 009:  General Engine Data  

Groups 010 - 019:  Ignition & Misfire Detection 

Groups 020 - 029:  Knock Control  

Groups 030 - 049:  Mixture Control, O2S Heating, Catalytic Converter 

Groups 050 - 059:  Engine Speed Control  

Groups 060 - 069:  Throttle Valve Control  

Groups 070 - 079:  Emission Control Systems (EVAP, Sec. AIR, EGR)

Groups 080 - 085:  Control module identification

Groups 090 - 098:  Camshaft & Intake Manifold Control

Groups 099 & 100:  Compatibility Groups

Groups 101 - 109:  Fuel Injection

Groups 110 - 119:  Load Registration & Boost Pressure Control

Groups 120 - 129:  Communication Between Control Modules

Groups 130 - 137:  Engine cooling

Groups 140 - 147:  BDE rail pressure system

Groups 160 - 169:  Lambda Control for SULEV-ULEV



Group 000, General Engine Data, (no normalization)

000   1 Bank-Systems

1     Engine coolant temperature

2     Load

3     RPM

4     Voltage

5     Throttle valve potentiometer

6     Idle Air Control Valve

7     Idle Air Control Valve learning value

8     Lambda control

9     Lambda control learning value idle

10    Lambda control learning value partial load




000   2 Bank-Systems

1     Engine coolant temperature

2     Load

3     RPM

4     Throttle valve angle

5     Idle Air Control

6     Idle Air Control Valve learning value

7     Lambda control Bank 1

8     Lambda control Bank 2

9     Lambda adaptation (add) Bank 1

10    Lambda adaptation (add) Bank 2



Groups 001 - 009 General Engine Data

      General     2 Bank systems

001   RPM                     [1/min]

      Engine coolant temperature   [°C]

      Lambda control value Bank 1 [%]

      Lambda control value Bank 2        [%]

      General     1-Bank-Systems


001  RPM   Engine coolant temperature  [1/min]

      Lambda control value (Injection adjustment)   [°C]

      Adjustment requirements for basic setting     [%]



temp. > 80°C


2000 1/min

Throttle Closed

Lambda control: OK


Switch closed

A/C compr.OFF

Cat temp.reached

no DTC stored in memory  1: Conditions attained 0: Conditions not attained


002   General     Systems with Mass Airflow Sensor

      RPM         Load Mean injection time    Air mass

      [1/min]     [%]   [ms]              [g/s]

002   General     Systems with intake manifold pressure sensor

      RPM         Load Mean injection time    Intake manifold pressure

      [1/min]     [%]   [ms]              [mbar]

003   General     Systems with Mass Airflow Sensor

      RPM         Air mass    Throttle valve angle (Potentiometer)    Ignition angle (actual)

      [1/min]     [g/s]             [%]                           [°KW]

003   General     Systems with intake manifold pressure sensor

      RPM         Intake manifold pressure     Throttle valve angle (Potentiometer)       Ignition angle (actual)

      [1/min]     [mbar]                        [%]                           [°KW]

004   General

      RPM         Voltage     Cooling temperature    Intake air temperature

      [1/min]     [V]         [°C]              [°C]

005   General

      RPM         Load Speed       Operating condition

      [1/min]     [%]   [km/h]      Text (Idle, partial load, full load, SA, BA) [1]

006   General

      RPM         Load Intake air temperature       Altitude correction [2]

      [1/min]     [%]   [°C]              [%]

007   General BDE

      RPM         Load Intake manifold pressure Mass Airflow Sensor Pressure bake booster

      [1/min]     [%]   [mbar]                                    [mbar]

008   General

      Condition brake        Supply voltage   Condition vacuum pump for brake       Pressure bake booster

      activated / not activated    [V]         Pump ON / Pump OFF                 [mbar]






Groups 010 - 019:  Ignition & Misfire Detection 010      Ignition

      RPM         Load Throttle valve angle (Potentiometer)    Ignition angle (actual)

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]                           [°KW]

011   Ignition

      RPM         Coolant temperature    Intake air temperature       Ignition angle (actual)

      [1/min]     [°C]              [°C]              [°KW]

012   Distributor adjustment

      RPM         Load No. of crankshaft tooth at camshaft flank low->high      No. of crankshaft tooth at camshaft flank low->high

      [1/min]     [%]   [xx]                                      [xx]




014   Misfire recognition

      RPM         Last Misfire counter Misfire recognition

      [1/min]     [%]   [n]               Text activated / locked

015   Misfire recognition

      Counter Cyl.. 1 Counter Cyl. 2   Counter Cyl. 3   Misfire recognition

      [n]               [n]         [n]         Text: activated / locked

016   Misfire recognition

      Counter Cyl.. 4 Counter Cyl. 5   Counter Cyl. 6   Misfire recognition

      [n]               [n]         [n]         Text: activated / locked

017   Misfire recognition

      Counter Cyl.. 7 Counter Cyl. 8   Counter Cyl. 9   Misfire recognition

      [n]               [n]         [n]         Text activated / locked

018   Load / RPM window misfire recognition (if no misfire recognized: 0 at all positions)

      Lower RPM limit Upper RPM limit Lower RPM limit Upper RPM limit

      [n]               [n]               [%]               [%]

019   Misfire recognition

      Counter Cyl. 10 Counter Cyl. 11 Counter Cyl. 12 Misfire recognition

      [n]               [n]               [n]               Text:  activated / locked





Groups 020 - 029: Knock Control 020     Knock control [1]

      Ignition angle retard Cyl. 1       Ignition angle retard Cyl. 2       Ignition angle retard Cyl. 3    Ignition angle retard Cyl.4

      [°KW]                         [°KW]                         [°KW]                         [°KW]

021   Knock control

      Ignition angle retard Cyl. 5       Ignition angle retard Cyl. 6       Ignition angle retard Cyl. 7    Ignition angle retard Cyl. 8

      [°KW]                         [°KW]                         [°KW]                         [°KW]

022   Knock control

      RPM         Load Ignition angle retard Cyl. 1       Ignition angle retard Cyl. 2

      [1/min]     %     [°KW]                  [°KW]

023   Knock control

      RPM         Last Retard Cyl. 3    Retard Cyl. 4

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]             [°KW]

024   Knock control

      RPM         Last Retard Cyl. 5    Retard Cyl. 6

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]             [°KW]

025   Knock control

      RPM         Last Retard Cyl. 7    Retard Cyl. 8

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]             [°KW]

026   Knock control, knock sensor voltage (amplifier factor included)

      Cyl.. 1     Cyl.. 2     Cyl.. 3     Cyl.. 4

      [V]         [V]         [V]         [V]

027   Knock control, knock sensor voltage (amplifier factor included)

      Cyl.. 5     Cyl.. 6     Cyl.. 7     Cyl.. 8

      [V]         [V]         [V]         [V]

028   Test knock sensor, short trip

      RPM         Load Coolant temperature    Result

      [1/min]     [%]   [°C]              Text:Test ON /Test OFF/ Sys. OK / Sys. not OK






Groups 030-049:  Mixture Control, O2S Heating, Catalytic Converter 030     Oxygen sensor, status   2-bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 1 Bank 1, sensor 2 Bank 2, sensor 1 Bank 2, sensor 2

      xxx  4¦¦L-Control active ¦L--Sensor ready¦    L---Sensor heater ON                     xxx   [1] ¦¦L- Control active ¦L-- Sensor ready L--- Sensor heater ON      xxx  4¦¦L- Control active ¦L-- Sensor ready L--- Sensor heater ON   xxx  4¦¦L- Control active ¦L-- Sensor ready L--- Sensor heater ON

030   Oxygen sensor, status 1- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 1 Bank 1, sensor 2         

      xxx  4¦¦L- Control active ¦L-- Sensor ready L--- Sensor heater ON    xxx  4¦¦L- Control active ¦L-- Sensor ready L--- Sensor heater ON           

031   Oxygen sensor voltage 2- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 1 Bank 1, sensor 2 Bank 2, sensor 1 Bank 2, sensor 2

      [V]              [V]               [V]              [V]

031   Oxygen sensor voltage 1- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 1 Bank 1, sensor 2         

      [V]               [V]           

031   Linear oxygen sensors 2- bank systems

      Lambda actual value Bank 1   Lambda specified value Bank 1      Lambda actual value Bank 2     Lambda specified valueBank 2

      []                      []                     []                     []

031   Linear oxygen sensors 1- bank systems

      Lambda actual value Bank 1   Lambda specified valueBank 1               

      []                      []            

032   Oxygen sensors learning values (maximum value)      2- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 1, idle       Bank 1, sensor 1, partial load     Bank 2, sensor 1, idle     Bank 2, sensor 1, partial load

      [%]               [%]                    [%]              [%]

032   Oxygen sensors learning values (maximum value)      1- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 1, idle       Bank 1, sensor 1, partial load             

      [%]               [%]           

033   Lambda control value   2- bank systems

      Bank 1, control value Bank 1, Oxygen sensor voltage      Bank 2, control value       Bank 2, knock sensor voltage

      [%]               [V]                     [%]               [V]

033   Lambda control value   1- bank systems

      Bank 1, control value Bank 1, Oxygen sensor voltage              

      [%]               [V]           

033   Linear oxygen sensor control value      2- bank systems

      Bank 1, control value Bank 1, sensor voltage before cat. converter of a broad band sensor      Bank 2, control value Bank 2, sensor voltage before cat. converter of a broad band sensor

      [%]               [V]                                                   [%]               [V]

034   Oxygen sensor aging test Bank 1 or Bank 3 before catalytic converter, short trip

      RPM         Exhaust gas / cat. converter temperature      Length of period       Result

      [1/min]     [°C]                                [s]               Text:Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 OK/B1-S1 not OK  or:B3-S1 OK /B3-S1 not OK

034   Oxygen sensor aging test Bank 1 or Bank 3 before cat. converter for linear oxygen sensors. short trip

      RPM         Exhaust gas / cat. converter temperature      Dynamic factor               Result

      [1/min]     [°C]                                 2000 RPM 0,8SENSOR NEW 1,99      Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ B1-S1 OK/B1-S1 not OK  or B3-S1 OK ./B3-S1 not OK

035   Oxygen sensor aging test Bank 2 or Bank 4 before cat. converter, short trip         2-bank systems

      RPM         Exhaust gas / cat. converter temperature      Length of period       Result

      [1/min]     [°C]                                [s]               Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ B2-S1 OK/B2-S1 not OKor B4-S1 OK/B4-S1 not OK

035   Oxygen sensor aging test Bank 2 or Bank 4 before cat. converter for linear oxygen sensors, short trip   2- bank systems

      RPM         Exhaust gas / cat. converter temperature      Dynamic factor       Result

      [1/min]     [°C]                                [ ]         Text:Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 OK /B2-S1 not OK or:B4-S1 OK/B4-S1 not OK

035   Oxygen sensor aging test Bank 2 before cat. converter    1- bank systems



036   Oxygen sensor readiness after cat. converter, short trip 2- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 2 Result                                                      Bank 2, sensor 2      Result

      Sensor voltage         Text:Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 OK/B1-S2 not OK or: B3-S2 OK/B3-S2 not OK Sensor voltage         Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ B2-S2 OK/B2-S2 not OK or:B4-S2 OK/B4-S2 not OK

036   Oxygen sensor readiness after cat. converter, short trip 1- bank systems

      Bank 1, sensor 2             Result              

      Sensor voltage 2000 RPM 0-1 VOLT  Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ B1-S2 OK./B1-S2 not OK.           

037   Oxygen sensors, short trip     

      Last Bank 1: Oxygen sensor voltage after cat. converter Bank 1: TV shift       Result

      [%]   [V]                                       [ms]              Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ Sys. OK/Sys. not OK

037   Linear oxygen sensors, short trip   

      Last Bank 1: Oxygen sensor voltage after cat. converter Bank 1: D Lambda       Result

      [%]   [V]                                       [ ]              Text:Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK

038   Oxygen sensors, short trip   2- bank systems

      Last Bank 2: Oxygen sensor voltage after cat. converter Bank 2: TV shift       Result

      [%]   [V]                                       [ms]             Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ Sys OK/Sys. not OK

038   Linear oxygen sensors, short trip 2- bank systems

      Last Bank 2: Oxygen sensor voltage after cat. converter Bank 2: D Lambda       Result

      [%]   [V]                                       [ ]               Text: Test ON/Test OFF/ Sys OK/Sys. not OK

038   Oxygen sensors   1- bank systems

      Not used


039   Sensor exchange after cat. converter short trip       

      Air mass    Bank 1: sensor voltage       Bank 2 sensor voltage Result

      [g/s]             [V]               [V]               Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ Sys OK/Sys. not OK

040   Oxygen sensor heaters resistor Combined wires and heaters      2- bank systems

      Heater resistor Condition   Heater resistors Condition

      Banks 1+2, sensor 1 [?]      Text:Heater before cat. ON/ Heater before cat. OFF       Banks 1+2, sensor 2 [?]      Text:Heater before cat. ON/ Heater before cat. OFF

040         1- bank systems

      Not used


041   Oxygen sensor heater   1- bank systems

      Resistor    Condition or duty cycle      Resistors   Condition

      Bank 1, sensor 1 [?]   Text:Heater before cat. ON/ Heater before cat. OFFor:sensor 1 [%]     Bank 1, Sensor 2 [?]   Text:Heater after cat. ON/ Heater after cat. OFF

042   Oxygen sensor heaters, separate wires of heaters    2- bank systems

      Resistor    Condition or duty cycle      Resistors   Condition

      Bank 2, Sensor 1 [?]   Text:Heater before cat. ON/ Heater before cat. OFF  or:Sensor 1 [%] Bank 2, Sensor 2 [?]   Text:Heater after cat. ON/ Heater after cat. OFF

043   Oxygen sensor ageing after cat. converter, linear oxygen sensors, short trip       Bank 1

      RPM         Exhaust gas / cat. converter temperature      Oxygen sensor voltage       Result

      [U/min]     [°C]                                [V]               Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ B1-S2 OK/B1-S2 not OK  Or:B3-S2 OK/B3-S2 not OK

044   Oxygen sensor ageing after cat. converter, short trip    Bank 2

      RPM         Exhaust gas / cat. converter temperature      Oxygen sensor voltage       Result

      [U/min]     [°C]                                [V]               Text :Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 OK /B2-S2 not OK  Or:B4-S2 OK/B4-S2 not OK

044         1-bank systems



045   NOx  memory cat. converter Bank 1, short trip       NOx memory cat. converter Bank 2

      Factor memory entry NOx      Result      Factor memory entry NOx      Result

            Text:Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK           Text:Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK

046   Cat. converter conversion test Bank 1 or Bank 3, short trip

      RPM   Cat. converter temperature   Measuring value cat. Converter conversion       Result

      [1/min]     [°C] OVER 400°C    UNDER 0.50     Text:Test ON/Test OFF/Cat B1 OK/Cat B1 not OKor:Cat B3 OK/Cat B3 not OK

047   Cat. converter conversion test Bank 2 or Bank 4, short trip    2-Bank-Systems

      RPM   Cat. converter temperature   Measuring value cat. Converter conversion       Result

      [1/min]     [°C]       Text:Test ON/Test OFF/Cat B2 OK/Cat B2 not OK or:Cat B4 OK/Cat B4 not OK

047   Cat. converter conversion test Bank 2   1-Bank-Systems

      Not used


048   Thermal cat. converter  diagnosis Bank 1, short trip       

      Operating system BDE   Number of test steps   Exothermal temperature increase       Result

      [-]   [-]   [K]   Text:Test ON/Test OFF/ Sys. OK/Sys. not OK

049   Thermal cat. converter  diagnosis Bank 2, short trip       

      Operating system BDE   Number of test steps   Exothermal temperature increase       Result

      [-]   [-]   [K]   Text:Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK



Groups 050 - 059:  Engine Speed Control 050   RPM increase     Systems without separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM actual value RPM specified value    Rear window defroster/Request for A/C       A/C compressor

      [1/min]     [1/min]     Text ON/ OFF     Text ON/ OFF/ decrease

050   RPM increase     Systems with separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM actual value RPM specified value    Request for A/C A/C compressor

      [1/min]     [1/min]     Text ON/ OFF     Text ON/ OFF/ decrease

051   RPM, shift initiations

      RPM actual value RPM specified value    Driving range (only for automatic transmission)    Supply voltage

      [1/min]     [1/min]     0-6 (Idle, driving ranges 1-6)     [V]

052   RPM increase     Systems without separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      Not used


052   RPM increase     Systems with separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM (actual value)     RPM (specified value) A/C readiness    Rear window defroster

      [1/min]     [1/min]     Text ON/OFF      Text ON/OFF

053   RPM increase based on generator load

      RPM (actual value)     RPM (specified value) Voltage     Generator load

      [1/min]     [1/min]     [V]   [%]

054   Closed throttle position switch

      RPM   Operating conditions   Throttle valve angle (Potentiometer)    Throttle valve angle (Potentiometer)

      [1/min]     (LL, TL, VL, SA, BA)   [%]   [%]

054   Closed throttle position switch  for E-Gas-systems

      RPM   Operating conditions   Sensor 1 for accelerator pedal position       Throttle valve angle (Potentiometer)

      [1/min]     (LL, TL, VL, SA, BA)   [%]   [%]

055   Idle air control Systems without separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM   Idle air control Current learning value for idle air control   Operating conditions

      [1/min] [1]      [ [2]]      [ [3]]      x0xxx   [4] ¦¦¦¦L-A/C ¦¦¦¦   compressor ON ¦¦¦L--Driving¦¦¦    range selected ¦¦L---A/C readiness,¦¦   rear window¦¦      defroster ¦¦         ON ¦L----always0 LSteering to stop

055   Idle air control Systems with separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM   Idle air control Learning value for idle air control     Operating conditions

      [1/min]     [ [5]]      [ [6]]      xxxxx  8¦¦¦¦L-A/C ¦¦¦¦ compressor ON ¦¦¦L--Driving¦¦¦  range selected ¦¦L--- A/C readiness¦¦   ON ¦L---- rear window¦ defroster ON L Steering to stop

056   Idle air control Systems with separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM (actual value)     RPM (specified value) Idle air control valve       Operating conditions

      [1/min]     [1/min]     [ [7]]      x0xxx  8¦¦¦¦L- A/C ¦¦¦¦      compressor ON ¦¦¦L-- Driving ¦¦¦     range selected ¦¦L--- A/C readiness,¦¦  rear window¦¦      defroster ¦¦         ON ¦L----always 0 L Steering to stop

056   Idle air control Systems without separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM (actual value)     RPM (specified value) Idle air control valve       Operating conditions

      [1/min]     [1/min]     [ [8]]      xxxxx   [9] ¦¦¦¦L- A/C¦¦¦¦   compressor ON ¦¦¦L-- Driving¦¦¦ range selected ¦¦L--- A/C readiness,¦¦  rear window ¦L---- defroster¦  ON L Steering to stop

057   Idle air control, pressure signal A/C compressor

      RPM (actual value)     RPM (specified value) A/C compressor   Duty cycle pressure receiver

      [1/min]     [1/min]     Text: ON/OFF/decreasing      [%]


      RPM   Load Engine bearing 1 right       Engine bearing 2 left

      [1/min]     [%]   ON/OFF      ON/OFF






Groups 060 - 069:  Throttle Valve Control 060       ESB adaption     Vehicles with ESB

      Throttle valve angle (potentiometer)    Throttle valve angle (potentiometer)       Operating condition    Adaption condition

      [%]   [%]   Text: (Idle, partial load, full load, deceleration enrichment, acceleration enrichment)     Text:(ADP runs/ADP OK/ERROR [1])

060   E-Gas adaption   Vehicles with E-Gas

      Throttle valve angle (potentiometer 1) Throttle valve angle  (potentiometer 2)    Electrically controlled throttle valve adaption status   Operating condition

      [%]   [%]   [n]   Text:  ADP runs/ADP OK/ERROR

061   ESB/E-Gas   Systems without separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM   Supply voltage Ubat    Triggering throttle valve control Operating condition

      [1/min]     [V]   [%] if possible        0xxx   [2] ¦¦¦L- A/C¦¦¦      compressor ON ¦¦L-- driving¦¦     range selected ¦L--- A/C readiness/ r rear window defroster ON¦   L----always 0

061   ESB/E-Gas   Systems with separation for rear window defroster /A/C readiness

      RPM   Supply voltage Ubat    Actuating throttle valve control Operating condition

      [1/min]     [V]   [%]         xxxx   15  ¦¦¦L-A/C¦¦¦ compressor ON ¦¦L--driving¦¦   range selected ¦L---A/C readiness¦ ON L----Rear window defroster ON

062   E-Gas, potentiometer voltage relationship U/Uref

      Angle sensor 1 for throttle valve drive (0->100%)   Angle sensor 2 for throttle valve drive   (0->100%)      Sensor 1 accelerator pedal position (0->100%)       Sensor 2 accelerator pedal position (0->100%)

      [%]   [%]   [%]   [%]

063   Kick-down adaption

      Sensor 1 accelerator pedal position (0->100%)       Sensor 1 learned Kick-down point (0->100%) Switch      Result

      [%]   [%]   Kick-down   Actuated; ADP runs; ADP OK; ERROR

064   Throttle valve potentiometer adaption values   

      Potentiometer 1 lower adaption     Potentiometer 2 1 lower adaption Emergency air gap potentiometer 1      Emergency air gap potentiometer 2

      [V]   [V]   [V]   [V]




066   Cruise control switched free for 4 position operating lever

      Vehicle speed actual   Switch positions Vehicle speed specified      Switch positions

      [km/h]      xxxxxxxx ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Lbrake light switch¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Pedal pressed ¦¦¦¦¦¦Lbrake pedal switch ¦¦¦¦¦¦  Pedal pressed ¦¦¦¦¦L--clutch switch¦¦¦¦¦ Pedal pressed¦¦¦¦L---CC function¦¦¦¦  switched free ¦¦¦L----ADR-Function¦¦¦      switched free ¦¦¦ ¦¦L-----not used¦¦   00 ADR/CC not active (also     used for not installed) 01 ADR/CC in control mode 10 Condition „over controlled“,   driver accelerates more than      cruise control regulator 11 ADR not released 1: Condition fulfilled 0: Condition not fulfilled      [km/h] in 1 km/h-steps (only displayed when  cruise control function is freely switched)    For 4 position operating lever xxxxxxxx         ¦¦¦LCC ON / OFF        ¦¦Lmemory set         ¦¦   /CC OFF          ¦L-Set /tip down /        ¦       decelerate        L-Resume /           Tip up/ acceleration   ----0000 CC engaged OFF ----0001 CC tipped OFF ----0011 CC engaged ON                     (stand by) ----01x1 Set/Tip down/ decelerate ----1011 Resume/Tip up/                accelerate  


066   Cruise control switched free for 6 position operating lever

      Vehicle speed actual   Switch positions Vehicle speed specified      Switch positions

      [km/h]      xxxxxxxx ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦L brake light switch¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Pedal pressed ¦¦¦¦¦¦L brake pedal switch ¦¦¦¦¦¦  Pedal pressed ¦¦¦¦¦L-- clutch switch ¦¦¦¦¦      Pedal pressed¦¦¦¦L--- CC function¦¦¦¦  switched free ¦¦¦L----ADR function¦¦¦     switched free ¦¦¦ ¦¦L----- not used¦¦ 00 ADR/ CC not active (also     used for not installed) 01 ADR/ CC in control mode 10 Condition „over-controlled“,   driver accelerates more than      cruise control regulator 11 ADR not released 1: Condition fulfilled 0: Condition not fulfilled      [km/h] in 1 km/h-steps (is only issued with freely switched cruise control function) For 6 position operating lever xxxxxxxx ¦  ¦¦¦¦¦LCC ON /OFF engaged ¦  ¦¦¦¦¦    (CAN)¦  ¦¦¦¦LCC tipping, yes/no ¦  ¦¦¦¦   Memory set  ¦  ¦¦¦L-Tip down / decelerate¦  ¦¦L- Tip up/ accelerate ¦  ¦L Set ¦  L Resume L   CC ON/OFF engaged       (Hardware PIN) 0-000000 CC engaged OFF 1-000001 CC engaged ON                         (stand-by) 1-000011 CC tipped OFF 1-000101 Tip down/decelerate 1-001001 Tip up/accelerate 0-010000 Set (with CC engaged   OFF) 1-010001 Set (with CC engaged   ON) 1-100001 Resume  













Groups 070 - 079: Emission Control Systems (EVAP, Sec. AIR, EGR) 070       Fuel tank venting and valve testing, short trip

      Opening degree fuel tank ventilation [1]      Lambda regular/ diagnostic value with  active diagnose Idle air control valve / diagnostic value with active diagnose    Result

      [%]   [%]   [ [2]] / [%] / [g/sec]       Test ON/ Test OFF/Fuel tank ventilation OK/ Fuel tank ventilation not OK.

071   Fuel tank leak test, short trip

      Condition reed contact       DTC   Test status      Result

      Text Reed Open / Reed Closed       Text Small leak/large leak   System test/measurement/measurement end Test ON/ Test OFF/  AbortSyst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

072   Tank leak test






074   EGR regulator solenoid adaption

      Null-Position    Max. stop   Current potentiometer value Text

      [V]   [V]   [V]   Leak detection pump runs/ LDP OK/ ERROR

075   EGR, short trip Systems with Temp.-sensor

      Engine RPM EGR-Temp. Sensor EGR temperature difference   Result

      [1/min]     [°C] [°C] Test ON/ Test OFF/ Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

075   EGR, short trip Systems with intake manifold pressure sensor

      Engine RPM Intake manifold pressure     Intake manifold pressure difference       Result

      [1/min]     [mbar]      [mbar]      Test ON/ Test OFF/Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

075   EGR, for map adaption short trip Systems with intake manifold pressure sensor

      Pressure difference diagnostics EGR phase 1 and 2   Pressure difference diagnostics EGR phase 2 and 3      Pressure difference diagnostics EGR phase 1 and 3       Result

      [hPa]       [hPa]       [hPa]       Test ON/ Test OFF/Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

076   EGR for pressure systems

      Engine RPM Intake manifold pressure     Opening degree (U/Uref) EGR potentiometer    Duty cycle EGR valve

      [1/min]     [mbar]      [%]   [%]

076   EGR for air mass system

      Engine RPM Last Opening degree (U/Uref) EGR potentiometer     Duty cycle EGR valve

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]   [%]

076   EGR map adaption

      Actual EGR value – potentiometer without offset     Correction factor in the upper opening range    Correction factor in the lower opening range Status

      [V]   [%]   [%]   Test OFF / Leak detection pump runs/ LDP OK/ ERROR

077   Test secondary air injection system, short trip, Bank 1 Systems with conventional oxygen sensor

      RPM   Engine air mass Air mass secondary air injection system       Result

      [1/min]     [g/sec]     [g/sec]     Test ON/ Test OFF/  AbortSyst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

077   Test secondary air injection system, short trip, Bank 1 Systems with linear oxygen sensor

      RPM   Engine air mass relative Air mass      Result

      [1/min]     [g/sec]     [ ]   Test ON/ Test OFF/ Abort  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

078   Test secondary air injection system, short tripBank 2    Systems with conventional oxygen sensor

      RPM   Engine air mass Air mass secondary air injection system       Result

      [1/min]     [g/sec]     [g/sec]     Test ON/ Test OFF/ AbortSyst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

078   Test secondary air injection system, short trip, Bank 2 Systems with linear oxygen sensor

      RPM   Engine air mass Relative air mass      Result

      [1/min]     [g/sec]     [ ]   Test ON/ Test OFF/  AbortSyst. OK/ Syst. Not OK






Groups 080-085: Control module identification080    Control module identification (display shown at NA-No. 63)

080  Manufacturer’s code and marking   Manufacturing date     Manufacture’s change status      Manufacturer’s test stand number. Manufacturer’s running number.


081   Control module identification (display shown at NA-No. 63)

      Vehicle identification number      Limit No or serial number    Type test number

      WVWZZZ1JZWW12345 12345678901234   1234567

082   Control module identification (display shown at NA-No. 63)

      Flash tool code (FTC) Flash date Hardware Comp. group     type      Software Comp. group     type

      1234567890123    123   12    123   12

083   Control module identification



084   Control module identification



085   Control module identification





Groups 090 - 098 Camshaft & Intake Manifold Control 090 Camshaft adjustment Intake         

      RPM   Adjustment Adjustment Bank 1      Adjustment Bank 2

      [1/min]     Text ON/OFF      [°KW]       [°KW]

090   Camshaft adjustment Exhaust

      RPM   Adjustment Adjustment Bank 1      Adjustment Bank 2

      [1/min]     Text ON/OFF      [°KW]       [°KW]

090   Continuous camshaft adjustment Exhaust Bank 1

      RPM   Duty cycle Adjustment specified   Adjustment actual

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]       [°KW]

091   Camshaft adjustment Intake Bank 1

      RPM   Last Adjustment Adjustment

      [1/min]     [%]   Text ON/OFF      [°KW]

091   Continuous camshaft adjustment, Intake Bank 1

      RPM   Duty cycle Adjustment specified   Adjustment actual

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]       [°KW]

092   Camshaft adjustment Intake Bank 2

      RPM   Last Adjustment Adjustment

      [1/min]     [%]   Text ON/OFF      [°KW]

092   Continuous camshaft adjustment, Intake Bank 2

      RPM   Duty cycle Adjustment specified   Adjustment actual

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]       [°KW]

093   Camshaft adaption values Intake   2-Bank Systems

      RPM   Last Phase position  [1] Bank 1 [2]     Phase position Bank 2

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]       [°KW]

093   Continuous camshaft adaption values

      Phase position intake Bank 1       Phase position intake Bank 2       Phase position exhaust Bank 1      Phase position exhaust Bank 2

      [°KW]  [3] [°KW]       [°KW]       [°KW]

094   Camshaft adjustment Banks 1 and 2 Intake, short trip

      RPM   Camshaft adjustment    Test result Bank 1     Test result Bank 2

      [1/min]     Text: Camshaft position ON / Camshaft positionOFF   Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK       Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

094   Continuous camshaft adjustment Banks 1 and 2 intake, short trip

      RPM   Phase position intake Test result Bank 1     Test result Bank 2

      [1/min]     [°KW]       Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK    Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

095   Intake manifold change-over Single step change-over

      Engine RPM Last Coolant temperature    Status

      [1/min]     [%]   [°C] Text:ein/aus

095   Intake manifold change-over Multi-step change-over

      Engine RPM Last Coolant temperature    Status

      [1/min]     [%]   [°C] Text:Off /step 1/step 2

096   Camshaft adjustment Banks 1 and 2 Exhaust, short trip

      RPM   Camshaft adjustment    Test result Bank 1     Test result Bank 2

      [1/min]     Text: Camshaft position ON / Camshaft positionOFF   Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK       Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

096   Continuous camshaft adjustment Banks 1 and 2 Exhaust, short trip

      RPM   Phase position exhaust       Test result Bank 1     Test result Bank 2

      [1/min]     [°KW]       Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK    Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

097   Intake air change-over / Snow flap        

      RPM   Last Temperature / Pressure       Intake air change-over

      [1/min]     [%]   [°C]/[mbar]      ON/ OFF

098   Continuous camshaft adjustment Exhaust Bank 2

      RPM   Duty cycle  Adjustment specified   Adjustment actual

      [1/min]     [%]   [°KW]       [°KW]



Groups 099 & 100: Compatibility Groups099     Shut-off  l-Regulation (via basic setting)        (for compatibility reasons with older systems)

      RPM   Coolant temperature    Lambda regulation      Lambda regulation

      [1/min]     [°C] [%]   ON/OFF

100   Readiness code                           (for compatibility reasons with older systems)

      Ready bits (concluded tests) 1= not concluded 0= concluded     Coolant temperature      Time since engine start      OBD-Status

       xxxxxxx ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦L Cat. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    converters ¦¦¦¦¦¦LHeat cat ¦¦¦¦¦L AKF-System ¦¦¦¦L SL-System ¦¦¦L A/C ¦¦L Oxygen sensors ¦L Oxygen sensor heating L EGR      [°C]             xxxxxxxx ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦L no warm-¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    up cycle ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    possible ¦¦¦¦¦¦L warm-up ¦¦¦¦¦¦  cycle finished ¦¦¦¦¦L not used ¦¦¦¦L not used ¦¦¦L at least one DTC¦¦¦ recognized ¦¦L Trip complete ¦L Driving cycle fulfilled L MIL ON 1: Description fulfilled 0: Description not fulfilled



Groups 101 - 109: Fuel Injection 101    Fuel injection   Systems with Air mass measurement

      RPM   Last Mean injection time (at deceleration = 0)     Air mass

      [1/min]     [%]   [ms] [g/s]

101   Fuel injection   Systems with intake manifold pressure measurement

      RPM   Last Mean injection time (at deceleration = 0)     Intake manifold pressure

      [1/min]     [%]   [ms] [mbar]

102   Fuel injection

      RPM   Coolant temperature    Intake air temperature       Mean injection time

      [1/min]     [°C] [°C] [ms]

103   Air-shrouded fuel injectors, short trip

      RPM   Air mass idle air control    LFR-Offset adaptation        Results

      [1/min]     [g/s]       [n]   Test ON/Test OFF/l injector OK /l injector not OK

104   Start adaptation values        

      Start engine temperature     Temperature adaptation factor 1   Temperature adaptation factor 2    Temperature adaptation factor 3

      [°C] [%]   [%]   [%]

105   Cylinder shut off

      RPM (actual)     Last Coolant temperature    Shut-off

      [U/min]     [%]   [°C] Text: ON/OFF [1]




107   Lambda regulation, short trip        

      RPM   Lambda regulation Bank 1 (average value)      Lambda regulation Bank 2 (average value) Result

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]   Text Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK









Groups 110 - 119:  Load Registration & Boost Pressure Control 110    Load, full load enrichment

      RPM   Coolant temperature    Average injection time       Throttle valve angle (potentiometer)

      [1/min]     [°C] [ms] [%]

111   Boost pressure control

      Adaption value boost pressure control RPM range 1   Adaption value boost pressure control RPM range 2       Adaption value boost pressure control RPM range 3       Adaption value boost pressure control RPM range 4

      [%]   [%]   [%]   [%]

112   Exhaust gas temperature

      Exhaust gas temperature Bank 1     Enrichment factor sensor Bank 1   Exhaust gas temperature Bank 2       Enrichment factor sensor Bank 2

      [°C] [%]   [°C] [%]

113   Last

      RPM   Last Throttle valve angle (potentiometer)    Air pressure

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]   [mbar]

114   Boost pressure control

      Specified load without correction Specified load after  correction Actual load Duty cycle Boost pressure valve

      [%]   [%]   [%]   [%]

115   Boost pressure control         

      RPM   Last Boost pressure specified value     Boost pressure actual value

      [1/min]     [%]   [mbar]      [mbar]

116   Boost pressure control         

      RPM   Correction factor fuel       Correction factor coolant temperature       Correction factor intake air temperature

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]   [%]

117   Boost pressure control         

      RPM   Gas pedal position     Throttle valve angle   Boost pressure specified

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]   [mbar]

118   Boost pressure control         

      RPM   Intake air temperature       Duty cycle boost pressure control valve       Boost pressure before throttle valve

      [1/min]     [°C] [%]   [mbar]

119   Boost pressure control         

      RPM   Actual adaption value boost pressure control valve Duty cycle boost pressure control valve       Boost pressure before throttle valve

      [1/min]     [%]   [%]   [mbar]



Groups 120 - 129: Communcations between Control Modules  120   ASR/FDR

      Engine RPM Specified moment ASR/FDR     Engine moment    Status

      [1/min]     [Nm] [Nm] Text (ASR active/ASR not active)




122   Transmission

      Engine RPM Specified moment Transmission      Engine moment    Status

      [1/min]     [Nm] [Nm] Text (Engine intervention /no intervention)

123   Reserved for CAN Bus signals         



124   Reserved for CAN Bus signals         



   125      CAN Bus signals   

      see CAN-Product Description Manual

      Transmission [1] ABS22 Instrument cluster22   A/C22

   126      CAN Bus signals   


      ADR22 LWS 22      Airbag22    Electrical wiring22

   127      CAN Bus signals   


      All wheel22 Level       Steering wheel     

   128      CAN Bus signals   



   129      CAN Bus signals   





Groups 130-137: Engine cooling

130   Map cooling (coolant filling), Short trip

      Temperature Engine outlet    Temperature Radiator outlet Duty cycle Thermostat       Result

      [°C] [°C] [%]   Text: Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

131   Map cooling

      Temperature Engine outlet    Temperature Engine outlet (specified)       Temperature Radiator outlet Duty cycle Thermostat

      [°C] [°C] [°C] [%]

132   Map cooling

      Temperature Radiator outlet (specified)       Temperature difference Engine and radiator outlet    Heater pre-run potentiometer       Status cooling

      [°C] [°C] [%]   xxxxxxxx ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦L Error ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    in system ¦¦¦¦¦¦L Thermostat-¦¦¦¦¦¦  actuation ¦¦¦¦¦¦  active ¦¦¦¦¦L Cooling van ¦¦¦¦¦   triggering active ¦¦¦¦LControl deviation ¦¦¦¦0 > specified temp. ¦¦¦¦1 < specified temp ¦¦¦L Fan stage 2 active¦¦L Fan stage 1 active ¦L not used L not used 1: Description fulfilled 0: Description not fulfilled




134   Temperature

      Oil temperature Ambient temperature    Intake air temperature       Engine outlet temperature

      [°C]              [°C]              [°C]              [°C]

135   Coolant fan control, short trip

      Temperature Radiator outlet (specified)       Duty cycle Coolant fan actuation 1     Duty cycle Coolant fan actuation 2      Result

      [°C]                                [%]                           [%]                           Text: Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

136   Relay for coolant fan actuation

      Relay 1     Relay 2     Relay 3     Relay 4

      ON / OFF    ON / OFF    ON / OFF    ON / OFF

137   A/C requirements

      AC-inlet    Compressor High pressure switch or Pressure of A/C system      Fan request from A/C system

      ON / OFF    ON / OFF    ON / OFF or [bar]                        [%]



Groups 140-147:BDE

140   Pressure control valve, short trip

      Duty cycle DSV   Rail pressure specified      Rail pressure actual   Result

      [%]         [bar]                         [bar]                   Text: Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK

141   Fuel supply system

      Rail pressure regulator      Regulator rail pressure system     Regulator rail pressure system residual portion Status rail pressure system  

      [bar]                         [-]                     [-]                                       [-]










145   Exhaust gas temperature sensor, short trip

      Exhaust gas temperature from model Bank 1     Exhaust gas temperature sensor measured Bank 1 Exhaust gas temperature sensor measured Bank 2      Result

      [°C]                                [°C]                                [°C]                               Text: Test ON/ Test OFF/  Syst. OK/ Syst. Not OK




147   Charge movement flap for BDE                     

      Charge movement flap Actual position    Charge movement flap Specified position    Offset value of potentiometer voltage LBK     Adaptation condition

      [%]                           [%]                                 [V]                                 TextADP runs/ ADP OK/ Error(in emergency running mode)



Groups 160-169: Lambda control / SULEV-ULEV 160     Individual cylinder recognition/ Individual cylinder control

      Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 1     Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 2    Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 3       Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 4

      [-]                                       [-]                                       [-]                                       [-]

161   Individual cylinder recognition/ Individual cylinder control

      Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 5     Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 6    Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 7       Normal Lambda control starting point cylinder 8

      [-]                                       [-]                                       [-]                                       [-]



Group 160

                          Channel 1: Lambda Correction


This is a fuel correction table used by the computer when it senses the car richening and leaning from the programmed air/fuel tables. The numbers will be displayed as a percentage starting from 0% indicating NO fuel correction is needed. This means the car is doing what it has been asked to do. No fuel is having to be added or removed to maintain harmony. The computer can correct for these rich and lean conditions up to 25% or so. Note that seeing numbers higher than 0 does not necessarily mean your car is running dangerously rich or lean just because of a little correction. Positive numbers displayed indicate fuel is having to be added to compensate for lean conditions. Negative numbers indicate fuel is having to be removed to compensate for a richer condition. The lower the numbers the better. Numbers upwards of 20 indicate some real problems that bear much closer attention. Remember that lean is your ultimate enemy. Note: This channel can not be substituted for channel 31 which displays the actual air/fuel ratio. This channel displays the deviance or the correction from the a/f that is requested, but if the incorrect air/fuel is requested by the programming than one could still be running an unsafe air/fuel ratio and the computer would not correct for it. To determine the actual a/f that is being requested and achieved you would defer to channel 31. To determine if the vehicle is having to remove or add fuel to achieve that a/f you would rely on this channel.


Channel 2: Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF)


This channel measures the grams per second or airflow taken into account by the MAF sensor. Input I have collected from tuners suggest that this is not a direct measure and depends on other sensors, so programming may be able to affect the g/s independent of changes to actual airflow. Nevertheless, while this may not be a reading that can completely state the airflow your car is taking in, it can provide a good estimate. This is a great log to look at if you suspect a common failure, the dying MAF sensor. On a chipped car one would expect MAF numbers to increase linearly as the car approaches redline. Your highest numbers will be seen at or near redline and are likely to be in the neighborhood of 160-180 g/s. Low numbers at redline such as 120 g/s are a good indicator your MAF is on the way out. Codes may not be thrown at this point. Terribly low or NO readings means she is dead.


Channel 4: Intake Air Temperatures


This channel displays the coolant temperature of the car and in the last column the intake air temperatures of the car. The intake air temperature sensor probe is located in the intake manifold just after the throttle body assembly. This sensor will measure the temperature in degrees Celsius of the air after it has passed through the intercoolers and is preparing to enter the motor to mix with the fuel. Unfortunately this channel is not ideal to be used to measure ultimate intercooler efficiency because this would require two probes to be installed on the vehicle, one to measure pre-intercooled air and another to measure the air post intercooler such as the case with this sensor we are dealing with for channel 4. On the other hand, being able to measure the post intercooled intake air temperatures will at least give us a general idea of the adequacy of the intercooling abilities as well as yet another heads up on the possibility of other problems with the car that would cause increased air temps post turbo compressor and intercoolers. Ideally the intake air should be as cool as possible, perhaps remaining at or below ambient temps. The intercoolers are designed to make use of the air flowing over the car to cool the intake air so it may be common to see temps begin to rise after a spirited driving regimen while the car is back at idle. Watching those temps rise while idling and then observing how quickly they once again reduce as the car goes underway gives some insight into the recovery rates of the intercoolers. In adddition, you may want to observe the temps througout a 3rd gear wide open throttle (WOT) run to see if the temps remain cool and stable. If the temps start to rise too high, this may be an indicator that an intercooler upgrade would be of benefit or a change in the state of the tune of the car is in order.


Channel 20: Ignition Knock Control-Timing Retard for Each Cylinder


This channel is very straight forward. You should see a field of 0s everywhere with a few possible spikes in retard up to 6 degrees retard. The number 0 in each of the cylinder boxes indicates NO timing retard is taking place. This means no timing is having to be removed by the computer as it senses knock. Now, what if you see some random numbers like "1.5" and "3" every once in awhile? This should be fine. If you were a tweaker, ideally you would want to find that point where you are able to use the most timing without triggering problems. Since most people do not mess with timing adjustments, we want to see as close to zero as possible though. Timing retard of greater than "6" would have me worried and I would want some further investigation and adjustments made. Running overly aggresssive timing will result in lower power (BTDC is adjusted down based on knock activity in channel 20) and is a major player in engine destruction.







2500 0 0 0 0

2750 0 0 0 0

3000 0 0 0 0

3250 3 0 1.5 4

3500 3 3 4 4

3750 4 6 6 6

4000 3 0 3 4

4250 6 6 6 6

4500 6 6 6 6

4750 6 4 6 4

5000 8 6 8 4

5250 2 8 6 8

5500 6 8 8 6

5750 8 4 6 6

6000 6 6 6 4

6250 8 8 8 8

6500 8 6 6 6

6750 6 6 6 6





RPM CYL 1 CYL 2 CYL 3 CYL 4 Retard

2500 0 0 0 0

2750 0 0 0 0

3000 0 0 0 0

3250 0 0 0 0

3500 0 1.5 0 0

3750 3 0 0 1.5

4000 0 0 3 0

4250 1.5 1.5 3 3

4500 3 3 3 3

4750 1.5 3 1.5 1.5

5000 3 3 6 3

5250 0 1.5 3 0

5500 3 3 1.5 1.5

5750 3 4 3 1.5

6000 1.5 3 1.5 4

6250 3 3 3 3

6500 4 3 3 3

6750 1.5 3 1.5 3




RPM CYL 1 CYL 2 CYL 3 Cyl 4 Retard

2500 0 0 0 0

2750 0 0 0 0

3000 0 0 0 0

3250 0 0 0 0

3500 0 0 0 0

3750 0 0 0 1.5

4000 0 0 0 0

4250 0 0 0 0

4500 0 0 0 0

4750 1.5 0 0 0

5000 0 0 0 0

5250 0 1.5 0 0

5500 0 0 0 0

5750 0 0 0 0

6000 0 0 0 0

6250 0 0 0 0

6500 0 0 0 0

6750 0 0 0 0


Channel 31: Lambda Reading or A/F Ratio


This value is particularly important to be viewed and interpreted only when the car is under full throttle input as lifting up on the throttle will result in funky numbers. Take your log in third gear (or higher if your local authorities will allow) from 2500rpm or so until redline. The values you will see are: 1 = 14.7:1 ratio, .85 = 12.5:1 ratio, .75 = 11:1 ratio. As you have probably figured, simply multiply the lambda value by 14.7 to obtain the ratio. A car that runs 14:1 (lambda value of about .95) all the way up to redline on increased boost is running a bit lean. Conversely, a car that is running 10:1 (lambda value of about .70) from idle to redline is running a bit rich. Remember that lean is your ultimate enemy. Running too lean for too long will spell disaster for the motor. Ideally you would like to see the A/F pass linearly from the factory 14.7:1 at idle towards 13:1 in the mid rpms (3500rpm or so) to at least 12:1 at redline (NOTE: New FSI platforms are running approximately 10.5:1 at WOT). This would show a car that is getting good fuel mileage under easy driving, but richens up nicely as you wind it out under full throttle to redline. This would make you feel at ease driving the car under high load conditions at high speeds (freeway cruising at 120mph) or using the car for frequent track days.



Example of manifold injection performance tuned a/f ratio readings: (NOTE: New FSI will request richer mixtures than this such as Lambda = .75 up top):


RPM Lambda

2500 .99

2750 .95

3000 .95

3250 .95

3500 .90

3750 .90

4000 .90

4250 .85

4500 .85

4750 .85

5000 .85

5250 .85

5500 .85

5750 .85

6000 .80

6250 .80

6500 .80

6750 .80


Channel 34: Exhaust Gas Temperatures (EGT)


Pretty straight forward here and a great channel to use to give you the heads up that other things are going wrong. This monitors the exhaust gas temperatures of the car. You want to see what the limits are here and it will take some beating on the car to find it. When the car is still warming up, your readings may not accurately reflect just how high these temps can get. Take your car out for some spirited full boost runs, then start logging in the normal 3rd gear WOT manner. Exhaust gas temperatures at 900 degrees Celsius and below are common for our engines when heavily boosted. This sensor appears to be only accurate up to 999 degrees Celsius or so. If you see readings creeping up this high, you have a great indicator that something is not right on your car and your engine is not happy with you. Running too high of temps for too long will spell disaster.


Channel 115: Requested Boost and Actual Boost


This is a very helpful channel for diagnosing boost leaks, trying to figure out why your car went into limp mode, and seeing if the software or hardware (electronic or manual boost controllers) are doing what they should be. This channel displays the boost requested by the computer (requested boost) in the first column and the boost actually made by the turbo (actual boost) in the second column. The readings you will see here can be misleading. First, you should know that the numbers you will see are not yet corrected for atmospheric pressure (about 1040mbar at sea level). The atmospheric pressure seen at the boost sensor is tough to estimate with complete precision, but I have found that subtracting 1000mbar from the numbers gets you close enough to actual boost unless you are living at 20,000 feet above sea level. The next thing you have probably noticed about these numbers are that they are displayed in mbar instead of psi like we are all used to. Well, this won't be a problem thanks to the metric system. 1000mbar = 1 bar and 1 bar = 14.5psi. There you have it.


So, can we all figure out what boost level in psi this car is requesting and making at 3000rpm?


RPM Requested Boost Actual Boost







The correct answer is:


The computer is requesting 1.2 bar of boost at 3000rpm. This can also be expressed as 17.4psi.


The turbo is boosting 1.25 bar of boost at 3000rpm. This can also be expressed as 18.1psi.


So why are the above numbers important to us other than acting as a boost guage to entertain us? Well, as you can imagine, if you had a boost leak you would have a car that is requesting the correct boost but you would see very little in the actual boost column. In the case that you had just installed your new little boost controller or N75 valve you could do some logging to find that your actual boost was far exceeding your computers' requested boost numbers causing your car to go into limp mode due to it's sensing an "overboost condition. For those of us who dare to run a turbo that was not designed specifically for the software they are using, this is a great way to see why it is not working out for you. For example, the boost maps on a K03 will show the ECU requesting max boost at around 3000rpms (this is a small turbo that makes its boost low in the rpm range). Now if you were to throw on a Garrett gt28r or T28 turbo or even larger you would see that the computer will still request the max boost at 3000rpm, but the turbo is not capable of making it's max boost until closer to 3800rpm leaving you with an "underboost" condition.


NOTE: The sensor will only measure up to 2540mbar including atmospheric pressure. This means that if you are running more than 1.5bar or 21.75psi of boost this sensor will not measure beyond it. Both values will show maxed out at 2540mbar.