Volkswagen 01M Transmission. Manual - part 79


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Volkswagen 01M Transmission. Manual - part 79




-  Route wiring harnesses - 1  - to - 3  - as shown in 

1 - Wiring harness to shift lock solenoid N110 

2 - Wiring harness to selector lever park position solenoid 

3 - Wiring harness to Selector Lever Park Position Lock 
Switch F319 

- Press connector - 3  - into retainer. 

- Fasten bolt - 2  - 

- Connect connector - 1  - 

-  Install cover to center console 



Repair Manual, Body Interior, Repair Group 68, 

- Connect battery 


 Repair Manual, Electrical Equipment, Repair Group 27, 

-  Install selector lever handle 


37-2, Selector lever 

handle, removing and installing


Selector mechanism, removing and installing

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

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Selector mechanism, servicing




Torque wrench V.A.G 1331    



Socket and key T40031    




-  Remove selector lever handle 


37-2, Selector lever 

handle, removing and installing


-  Pull pull-rod up and shift selector lever to position "S" . 



The procedure for disconnecting the battery must 
absolutely be obeyed.   


- Disconnect battery Ground (GND) strap with ignition 
switched off 


 Repair Manual, Electrical Equipment, Repair Group 27, 

-  Remove center console 

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Selector mechanism, servicing





Repair Manual, Body Interior, Repair Group 68, 

-  Remove sound insulation from center console.

- Release connector - 1 - and pull off. 

- Remove bolt - 2  - and remove retainer. 

- Pull connector - 3  - out from retainer. 

- Disconnect connector - 1  - 

-  Carefully pull off retaining clips - 2  - on left and right from 

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Selector mechanism, servicing




-  Pull retaining clips - arrows  - outward on left and right 
and remove frame upward. 

-  Remove clamping bolt at selector lever cable using 
socket and key T40031   . 

- Remove bolts - 1  - and remove front retainer - 2  - for 
shift mechanism. 

-  Remove rear retainer for shift mechanism.

-  Remove shift mechanism with selector lever cable 
slightly rearward.  

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Selector mechanism, servicing








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